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Bristol Giftware reviews, contact details, websites - all local to Bristol.
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Bristol's answer to London's trendy interiors boutiques. Locations: Bishopston 0117 924 4911
Nameplates/mimics/control panels. Silver plate giftware, pewter tankards and flasks Locations: Clevedon 01275 871720
Locations: St Philips 0117 941 4555
Wholesale retailer bringing the "finest pipes, water pipes, seeds, books and stuff that they offer and all at the best prices."
Gifts, Home and Garden at Georgia Brown in the Christmas Steps Arts Quarter, at 17 Perry Road, BS1 5BG, just up the road from the BRI and next door to Bristol Hand Made Glass. Here you will find cards, wrap, home wares, delightful gardening things, soft furnishing, toys and jewellery. Beautiful things abound at Georgia Brown.
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