Good instructor - Bryan helped me pass my test first time in Bristol. I had failed a few times in Glasgow, but Bryan gives you the tips you need to pass and become a good driver (I felt I even made the examiner feel relaxed!).
Reviewer Rating: 9/10
By Sean on 4/5/2009 
A Quality Driving School - Passed first time, thanks to Bryan's methodical teaching method which taught me to think ahead and predict hazards on the road. Also went with eco-driven to do some excellent pass plus training which helped give me the confidence to drive safely on motorways.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Eliza on 23/11/2008 
Passed...and I'm a stresser!!! - I passed for the first time after a 12 year gap.
My test was awesome with very little minor faults (I thank Bryan for this). I'll also be a more environmentally driver too! Bonus!
For a competitive price which is equal to the bigger companies in Bristol you're GUARANTEED to get a very experienced ADI )(and not a trainee instructor!).
Reviewer Rating: 9/10
By Haydon on 13/6/2007Highly recommended - thanks! - Great instructor, very patient and sensible approach to teaching made lessons enjoyable and stress free. Helped me over my fear of driving and lack of confidence (6 years since test with no practice!) with refresher lessons and motorway practice. Would highly recommend for refresher or first time lessons - much better than my previous experience of learning. Also a great new car - easier to drive!
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Thea on 21/5/2007Fantastic - after having driven with 7 different instructors i can safely say youll learn everything quicker and easier with bryans methods than with anyone else. i had a First time pass with him and would 100; recommend him to anyone looking to take lessons or even brush up if they are feeling a little rusty.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Glenn on 11/4/2007Another happy customer - Bryan's a fantastic instructor who'll go out of his way to make the whole driving experience less demanding and stressful which really does help, and i wouldn't hesitate in recommending him to someone thinking of taking up lessons.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Susan Dempsey on 2/4/2007Again Thanks - Just the same as everybody else i'd like to say a very big thanks to Bryan for all the help and encouragement, so if you want a decent instructor who doesn't shout Bryan's the one.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Sara on 25/2/2007Thank you for all your help - I'd just like to say a BIG thank you to Bryan for literally going out of his way to get me through the driving test, i wouldn't hesitate in recommending Bryan to anyone thinking of taking up driving lessons.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Sara on 5/1/2007Thank you for everything - I feel impelled to add my own thanks to Bryan for helping both my son and daughter through the dreaded driving test with such ease and professionalism, he shows such patience and understanding even when everything isn't going to plan !!!, so again thanks for everything
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Isabel on 13/12/2006Thanks for putting up with me !!! - Thanks for all the encouragement and enthusiasm you showed during all the lessons hopefully i wasn't too much of a pain to teach
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Teresa on 13/12/2006THANKYOU - I'd like to say a big thank you to Bryan for making it possible for me to pass, it doesn't help when your dyslexic, however with his patience and a great deal of understanding i finally managed it thankyou.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Debra on 18/11/2006yeS yES YES - Just like to say a big thanks to Bryan for helping me thru a very nerve racking experience with his humour and friendly sarcasm not to mention his incredible patience ! i'd recommend him anytime.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Cathy on 31/10/2006Yet again 1st time !!!!! - Superb instructor if your looking for the best stop right here, you honestly can't go wrong with Bryan if he can teach me to drive he can teach ANYONE
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Thomas Hardy on 24/10/2006Thank you very much - A big thank you to Bryan for getting me through 1st time, I can honestly say if you are looking for an fantastic instructor look no further i should know Bryan's my 3rd and by far the very BEST
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Gabriel on 24/10/2006Thank god thats over - Thankyou !!!! well what can i say great instructor great lessons, however i'm relieved its all over 1st time i might add.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Ciara on 22/10/2006OOH YES - I'll add my big thanks to Bryan for getting me thru what i can only describe as probably the most nerve racking examination i'v ever taken, with his patience and humour it made it a hell of a lot easier so again a big THANKYOU
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Andrea on 19/10/2006EXCELLENT STANDARD - Bryan is a superb instructor with a calm and confident manner. Having failed 3 times way back in 1997 with some very average instructors, I passed first time with Bryan and went on to achieve my Pass Plus certificate with him. I thought I would always be a nervous driver- now I am confident and assured. I can't recommend Bryan highly enough!
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Richard Hall on 19/10/2006Yes !!!!! - I'm glad my instincts were right when i chose Bryan to teach me, my previous experience with learning was dreadful, impatience and shouting comes to mind, however that all changed with Bryan so a big thankyou.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Loraine on 17/10/2006THANK YOU - Like all the rest a big thanks for getting me through probably the most nerve racking experience of my life so far !!
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Tony on 17/10/2006A big thankyou - Actually passed 1st time thanks to Bryan's great teachings, all i can say is the lessons were really fun & now for pass plus !!!!! once again a big thankyou
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Sara on 16/10/2006A BIG THANKYOU - Thanks ever so much! - Just passed !! Couldn't possibly of done it without Bryan's wonderful help Thanks again.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Kelly on 1/10/2006 Fun and enjoyable lesson's - I REALLY would recommend Bryan to anyone thinking of taking up lesson's, what with his patience and humuor you can't go wrong really, and i should know Bryan was my 4th instructor and by far the BEST !!!!!
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Michel on 27/9/2006Thanks Bryan! - Bryan's a great driving instructor, what can I say, I passed first time too!
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Marj on 27/9/2006YET ANOTHER 1ST TIME PASS !!!!!! - Bryan is the most patient guy you could ever hope to meet. He really makes you feel at ease with your driving and has more patience and understanding than you'll ever need !!! Whenever i felt down or felt i was having a bad lesson Bryan would always make me smile and get things around to positive thoughts which really helped my confidence.I would highly recommend Bryan to anyone.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Honesty on 25/9/2006ANOTHER 1ST TIME PASS !!!!! - Bryan is the most patient and tolerant person you could ever hope to meet. He really makes you feel at ease with your driving and whenever i was feeling down on my driving or felt i was having a bad lesson Bryan always gave me positive thoughts which really helped my confidence.I would highly recommend Bryan to anyone.
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Brenda Ruddick on 19/9/2006Great Instructor - Thank you very much for everything and for your patience. To anyone who is looking for a driving insructor I strongly recommend Bryan coz his the best!!!!
Reviewer Rating: 5/10
By ruddy on 13/9/2006First Time pass for brothers - big thank u to bryan for helping my brother and i to pass our tests first time.
great instructor, easy to learn with.
much appreciated Tom and rich
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Tom Clarke on 21/8/2006Thank you - Again thank you i couldn't have done it without your patients & understanding, now for the motorway on pass plus !!!!!
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Pepe Rombai on 20/8/2006FIRST TIME PASS !!!!! - Thanks for everything, I can't thank Bryan from Eco Driven enough for his encouragement and patience i don't suppose i was the easiest person to teach !!!, again great instructor, easy to drive car, fun lesson's
Reviewer Rating: 10/10
By Juliet Mellor on 17/8/2006