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FAST DEFENCE is the world's premier self-defence training. FAST deals with the reality of adrenaline & confrontation. You learn awareness, conflict resolution, assertiveness, boundary & distance setting. Practice simple techniques on the bulletmen padded assailants. All classes are taught in a seminar format. Adults,children, corporate & security. Weapons defence See our website for info
 Category:  Martial Arts
  Average Reviewer Rating:Average Reviewer Rating=10 10/10 from 6 Reviews
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  • ...FAST... - This course is a must for anyone serious about self protection, and anyone interested in pushing their boundaries a bit, you need to do this course!... no, seriously, do it! Do it now!

    Reviewer Rating: 10/10
    By on 16/1/2007

  • Fast Defence - Fast Defence proved to be excellent self-defence training. I was impressed by the lack of nonsense (no funny thumb twisting!) and straight forward style, based on realistic scenarios. The "bullet man" suits worn by the trainers provide students with an invaluable opportunity to practice techniques with full force. Applicable across a wide range of fitness and experience - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

    Reviewer Rating: 10/10
    By on 4/1/2007

  • FAST DEFECE - A really great course which I have done several times. For the martial artist it gives a chance to test techniques under pressure and with a non-compliant opponent. For the non martial artist it gives a chance to learn a few effective techniques and to practice them in an environment that is as real as it gets. Highly recommended

    Reviewer Rating: 10/10
    By on 31/12/2006

  • FAST Defence - I was really impressed by the courses - I did both level 1 and 2. I feel safer and more confident to deal with a situation should it arise. My children have also done the junior courses. Hopefully they will never have to use the skills they have learned but at least they are equipped to deal with anything from bullying to attempted abduction.

    Reviewer Rating: 10/10
    By on 30/12/2006

  • FAST DEFENCE - Good site, and even better trainng. Everyone interested in genine self protection should do this course. I have done level 1 & 2 and it really focus's you on what will work under pressure.

    Reviewer Rating: 10/10
    By on 3/9/2006

  • FAST Defence - This is the most fantastic training there is. I did the course and was really impressed. The staff are very supportive and this is certainly the most realistic training money can buy. Do yourself a favour and get on this stuff today. James

    Reviewer Rating: 10/10
    By on 22/1/2006

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